Congratulations are in order, as Moorside's John Pratt has won first prize in the Grindleford Annual Show writing competition with his poem "Summer"!
I wait on each December day,
impatient for that solstice switch
toward a summer-new campaign.
towards a longer evening light
with bluebells rising overnight
and lazy late June afternoons.
And yet the season’s longest day
is somehow just a surreal play,
an orchid dream that fades away:
mere prelude to the fullest bloom
when summer steps out from the wings
carelessly beyond her noon,
to stroll along blackberry lanes,
by meadows flocked with buttercup;
hedges bound with hip and sloe;
footpaths freshly overgrown,
the land full-frocked, and wholly ripe,
dew-laden dawns and scented nights