
Friday, 19 February 2016

Daylight On! (Winter Morning)

Importunate daylight

insinuates itself through

curtain cracks. Duvet is a feeble shield.

Bathroom sunlight slants modestly

Thanks to venetian blind.

The shower issues a blessing;

Gentle introduction to the burden

of waking hours.

In the garden, irresponsible ebullience

of birdsong!

And snowdrops, defiantly pristine.

Even Jack of the deep freeze

can’t rob them,

of their ballerina moment.

Everywhere, frozen water,

loud and proud.

Back field is a colour chart

of melting orange lines.

As I defrost the windscreen

Ice peels like buttercurls.

The ebony hours are subsumed

in morning liquid gold!

Fingers tingle as new day

nips at knuckles!

Robert Hoyle. Circa 2012

Monday, 15 February 2016

'First Tuesday' 2nd March 2pm to 4pm

 'Beginning Middle End'

 Presented by

 Heather Shaw

Chesterfield Library

'First  Tuesday' Meetings are held between 2 pm and 4pm every month except August and are suitable for anyone  who is interested in discussing and undertaking practical exercises in creative writing - prose or poetry

They are held in the Meeting Room Lower Ground Floor - Next to 'Browser' Cafe 

No booking necessary- just turn up

Monday, 8 February 2016

Common Senses

I’d rather be a tenant
Than hold a tenancy.
I’d rather be a peasant
Than come from peasantry.
An infant betters infancy
A vagrant, vagrancy.
And surely we would all agree
A truant beats your truancy.

Because a tenant’s flesh and blood
And so’s a peasant, too.
An infant hollers loud and clear
And let’s you know he’s here.
A vagrant can be seen and heard
A thing of rags and tatters
And though a truancy is marked
It’s the truant really matters.

So keep abstractions under check
They’ll never serve you well
But use your senses, look and touch,
And listen, taste and smell.

Stuart Randall